AWS Lambdaをデプロイした時、ダウンタイムは発生するのかについて。
「AWS Developer Forums: What happens to a running lambda during ...」の回答による。そのまま引用する。
In-flight invocations complete, without code changes or interruption, using the version of the function that was in place at the time they began. You can potentially have a function change for asynchronous invocations that experience errors or throttles, because a retry will potentially allow a new version of the function to be hit on the next attempt. While we do not abort in-flight invocations, we will aggressively eliminate copies of the old code; this typically happens within a minute of a function being updated. That means that for up to about 5-6 minutes (the max duration of a function, plus a little bit) you can experience either/both versions in use; after that, you should see only the new(ly deployed) version executing.
AWS Developer Forums: What happens to a running lambda during ...
- 古いバージョンが動作したら、完了までそのバージョンが動作する
- ただし、エラーとかでリトライが発生すると、今度は新しいバージョンが動くかも
- 関数の動作時間に加えて5,6分くらいは、新旧両方のバージョンが動くかもね