Here are some phrases we use to talk about how often we do something from Education First and Perfect English Grammar:
Answer the questions below in complete sentences.
For example: What days of the week do you work?
I work on Mondays and Tuesdays/I work every Monday and Tuesday.
1. How often do you exercise?
I go jogging about three or four times a week.
2. How often do you visit your parents?
My parents live far away from my home, so I visit them about three times a year during my vacation.
3. How often do you finish reading a book?
I read about one book a week.
4. How often do you do laundry?
I do laundry every day.
5. How often do you have meetings?
I have meetings every day. It's terrible.
6. What days of the week do you work?
I work from Monday to Friday.
7. What days of the week do you study English?
Of course, I study English every day!
Describe wave technology. What is it, What is it used for, etc, etc.
I'm a software engineer, and I'm developing IoT service. IoT stands for Internet of Things. To connect things to the Internet, we need to use wave technology.
Wave technology may sound a little difficult, but it is very familiar to us. For example, wi-fi is a kind of wave technology. Wave technology enalbes us to enjoy the Internet. Thanks for wave technology, I can take this English lesson. Thank you.
Despite the fact we use wave technology every day, we usually don't think about it. One of the reasons may be that waves are invisible. We can't understand invisible things easily. Some people misunderstand waves. One or two years ago, some people said vaccine for covid-19 connect us to 5G. I was confused. Of course, we can't directly be connected to 5G. It is non sense.
Understanding wave technology may be a little difficult. Wi-fi is familier to us, but other techonoloies are not always familier. For example, LPWA, which stands for Low Power Wide area, is a kind of wave technology and often used in IoT, but maybe most people haven't ever heard.
In addition, my business is related to agricultural IoT, but farmers often don't use the Internet. In Japan, most farmers are old. The average age of farmers in Japan is 67 old years. Sometimes they don't have even smartphones. I think that before things do the Internet, human sholud do the Internet.
I beleive that our sevice is useful for them, but getting them to use our service is more difficult than understanding wave technology.