




Watch this video about small talk from Lighthouse Communications: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT72ON0Tz0M

Then, answer the questions below.


  1. have a story
  2. ask questions and listens
  3. Be Present
  4. Watch the news and headlines

1. Do you feel comfortable making small talk? Why or why not?

I may not feel very comfortable because I'm not used to small talk. In Japan, we do somthing like small talk, but we don't always do it.

2. Why is small talk important in business situations?

Small talk is important because it helps us build rapport with our coworkers.

3. What are the four tips that she gives?

  1. Always have a story
  2. Ask Questions and Listen
  3. Be Present
  4. Watch the News and Read Headlines

4. One tip is "always have a story". Please write a paragraph about a story you could use to make small talk.

Recently I often have talked with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is very smart, but what it says sometimes doesn't make sense. I'm a software engineer, and I asked ChatGPT to program. However, the code didn't work well. I said it was wrog. ChatGPT said "I'm apologized for my mistake" and fixed it immediately. But, the fixed code didn't work. I programed after all.

と最初書いていたのだが、Be Presentってことは過去形よくないのか?🤔などとよくわからないことを思い、現在形で書き直した。

Recently I often have talked with ChatGPT. ChatGPT is very smart, but what it says sometimes doesn't make sense. I'm a software engineer, and I often ask ChatGPT to program. However, the code frequently doesn't work well. If I I say it is wrong. ChatGPT always say "I'm apologized for my mistake" and fix it immediately. But, the fixed code frequently doesn't work, and I program after all.



What programming language have you used and describe the process you use for writing a piece of code.

I have mainly used python and JavaScript language. They are different, but I think same things when I program.

First, I think what should I do? Specifically, what are input parameters, what should be output, how is acceptable performance, are there any prohibitive conditions, etc.

Next, I think about the code that can solve the conditions. I think flow of the program.

Finally, I begin to program. Sometimes I write test code first if the code would be complex. Sometimes I ask ChatGPT to generate code. If it works well, it is good.





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